Blog.gears: An offline Blogger client

I tend to write a fair share of blog posts, and whenever I am writing them while offline I tend to open up Textmate to do the write-up. Wouldn't it be nice if I could open up my blog editor and do it all while I am offline?

We thought that this would be a useful example to tie together Blogger and the newly released Blogger GData JavaScript library to create an offline Blog editor, Blog.gears.

The architecture behind the editor follows the pattern of:

  • The UI looks to the local DB for data
  • When an event happens it gets queued
  • When an event happens the UI tries to send it to the cloud
  • Events have status flags to let the system know what is happening

We interviewed Pamela Fox about the application, and she went through the architecture at a high level, and also did a screencast of the application itself.